THe Cards Foretell


The fast disappearing information on the message board, the patter of flight announcements, and the never ending footfalls could confuse and distract even the much travelled passenger. A quick brush made her turn around and then a man’s voice, “Tori, isn’t it?  Hope you aren’t running away again? You owe me an apology.”

It was sudden and startling and he had disappeared in the avalanche of people pressing down the corridors. The voice echoed through the hidden paths of her memory and left her stranded in the past. She debated if she should look around and knew that it would be futile in the airport’s echoing hallways spilling over with travelers in transit.

Tori would have felt less guilty if only she could have explained but at that time it had been too complicated. She wondered if she would ever be ready even though the incident was now history. Now this passing glance, this brief touch was all that they could muster.

 A smile crossed her face as she remembered the almost instant decision she had made to help her cross what had then appeared an insurmountable hurdle ………………


 Tori was assessing the case studies put up by the groups in the management workshop. After the pandemic, companies were slowly responding and the last few months had seen a rise in registrations. Tori had noticed that when participants stayed under the same roof they were more relaxed and showed better team spirit. Also the leaders got noticed and even among them, one or two stood out. Her thoughts went back to one such workshop where one of the participants Shomi had the skills and experiences to defuse and handle situations.

 They met again quite by chance at a busy café where Shomi had noticed Tori occupying a table, by herself. Looking for a seat he moved in her direction and took the opportunity to reintroduce himself.  One meeting led to another and it dawned on Tori that she was most probably developing more than a liking for Shomi. The question that was bothering her was should she continue seeing him. Tori asked her friend Henna who was considered an authority on romance and men.

 Henna chose her words carefully, “Do you know how Shomi feels about you?  Why don’t we go on a double date with one of Ravi’s friend? Compare and contrast isn’t bad if you aren’t certain.  You might better understand how you feel if you wait and consider.”

“What if I told Shomi that I cared for him and see how he reacts,” asked Tori.

“There is nothing wrong if you can handle a refusal but afterwards it might be hard to continue as friends. Let me know if you want to go out with us?”

Henna’s advice appealed to Tori and she took up the offer. Possibly fate helped, giving her the space as Shomi was out of town for the next few weeks. Agni was quite the opposite of Shomi. Tori was in a bind as she found herself being drawn towards both the men but she was uncertain about the depth of their feelings.

Henna laughed when she heard Tori’s dilemma. “Neither of these guys has actually said much and you aren’t sure yourself.  I don’t run a matrimonial site that I can continue supplying you a list of likely candidates. This isn’t exactly a job interview though you need to assess if the man really has the qualities that might lead to a permanent relationship.  If it is helpful I can ask Ravi to find out about Agni’s feelings.”

“No.  I will look like a foolish love struck teenager.”

“We all make mistakes. Being in love doesn’t mean the man is long term material. Do people work all their lives in the same company? There is always an element of chance.”

“True,” nodded Tori, “but when a marriage breaks down it can be messy”

“You are racing full speed to a wedding when there hasn’t been even the suggestion of a relationship. Calm down. I don’t know how you handle retrenchments and downsizing at work.”

“I’m trained to do that but it can be painful too. Who knows what the future has in store for me?”

 She wondered why when it came to personal issues she was not only hesitant but often couldn’t make the final commitment. Tori hesitated about going forward, of agreeing to take it to a more serious and permanent place.


No matter how hard she thought, a solution wasn’t in sight. Shomi had also been beset by doubts about whether to give up his freedom and to share his life with Tori. Finally he decided to profess his intentions and asked Tori for a date.

Henna and Ravi were hosting a party and Tori was one of the invitees. Knowing Tori’s state of mind, Henna laughed, “Many of Ravi’s male friends are coming and I think that will add further to your confusion. Some of them are single and looking forward to meeting smart, career women and you fit the bill in more ways than one. Want to try your luck again? You might meet the perfect man.

By the way Agni told Ravi that he would like his brother to meet you as he feels you are the girl for him.”

“Who cares about meeting his brother since Agni hasn’t told me anything directly? Shomi wants to meet me tomorrow at The Royal.”

“Tori, Boyfriends aren’t ever your priority, your career gets first preference. It’s up to you just don’t feel sorry if later on you think you missed the bus. At some stage you will have to make up your mind.”

Tori was running a bit late and in her hurry almost stumbled at the front doors of the café. As she straightened herself, she looked through the glass door to see that Shomi was at their usual table but with somebody else sitting with his back turned in her direction. She caught a glimpse of the other man it was Agni.  Her phone was flashing messages from Shomi that he wanted Tori to meet his brother Agni.  How was she to know that Shomi and Agni were siblings?  Tori blanked out completely and decided that retreat was the best option.  

Tori didn’t think twice, did a quick about turn and walked away briskly on to the next lane that led to a few shops. As she caught her breath, she read the shabby signboard that proclaimed the services of a fortuneteller.  At that moment it was impossible for her to think straight and maybe a total stranger might be able to guide her.

She swung the door open, to find a middle aged man sitting in front of a table with books, pamphlets, odds and ends. He just signaled to the chair in front and waited for Tori. She looked blankly at him while clutching to a phone that was displaying messages almost nonstop; he asked, “You look very troubled. I would advise you to switch off your phone and leave it on the table as it is distracting you.”

Tori obeyed him and said, “I’m confused and upset about a decision that may change the course of my life.”

It was his business to assess men and women, people who were anxious about the future, with men it was mostly business or a jealous mistress but with women it was becoming complicated. Earlier it would be mostly the family’s welfare or an unfaithful spouse but now problems had become diverse as women were working in many sectors.

Tori was agitated but was unable to tell the man what was causing her so much anxiety. Her eyes were focused on the phone though it had by now become silent.

 “Do you want to tell me about what is bothering you?”

 He received no answer. The man thought for a few seconds and then took out a pack of cards and shuffled them. He laid them out on the table, “Please pick three cards and place them face downwards on the table. Now choose any one of them and show it to me.”

Tori followed his instructions and said, “It is the King of Diamonds.”

Years of experience had taught him that leading questions provided clues.  He thought to himself that if it wasn’t love then it must be her job. Nowadays women were more often than not caught up in the advancement of their careers.

“Ma’am are you having problems in your office?”

Tori came out of her trance. “Nothing major, there will always be some bad days.”

“You have a good boss.”

Tori smiled, “I can’t complain.”

“The king of diamonds definitely indicates a successful career. There might be an unexpected move that might help you go ahead before the expected time.”

“Will it be only a raise or extra responsibilities and a higher position?”

 Her job was probably more important than the romance angle. He said enthusiastically, “I think you will get a promotion soon.”

 Tori didn’t show much reaction but moved forward and picked up her phone.

“Could you pick up the next card?

There was a note of wistfulness in Tori’s query. “It’s the Jack of Hearts? Do you think someone has stolen mine?”

“You are unsure and often impatient. Matters of the heart are delicate Nothing can be delayed or rushed. Importance must be given to the appropriate moment.”  

“My personal choices for partners don’t always turn out well. It takes me too long to decide and then life moves on.”

“You have a different approach at work. Your career will offer you more rewards.”

“I walked in to your room because I didn’t know which way to turn. I found I had most probably fallen in love at the same time with two men who …...”

Before he could proffer any advice, the phone rang and Tori stood up and sounded excited, “Yes Sir. Thank you for the offer. I should be ready to join at the earliest possible.”

Tori was smiling while she paid the fees and walked out relieved that her problem had been resolved. Unknowingly her boss had rescued her from a sticky situation even if it made her appear thoughtless and selfish. She was flying out to another country, to take over a position that was full of new challenges and allowing her to escape the current entanglements and dilemmas. May be she was better equipped to solve corporate crises and tasks rather than choose the right partner.

Tori thought that this passing glance, that accidental touch was for the best. After all the heart shouldn’t be given lightly and it was best not to look back and regret.













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